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by Dorian
Poem: "my laptop is an opera singer", Licorice Zine
Featured Youth Creative Profile, Catalyst Magazine
Poem: "tiger roll (6pc) (soy, ginger & wasabi)", Meniscus Journal
Article: Cubism v Chiaroscuro: How “Ripley” (2024) Uses Art as Symbolism, Pelican Magazine
Poem: "There was no point bringing the groceries home", Pelican Magazine
Poem: "soft flesh on wet grass", Gradaran Literary Magazine
Article: Jintulu: People of the Sun; Perspectives on assimilation, appropriation and isolation, Pelican Magazine
Article: Art in the algorithmic age: Navigating creativity amidst hyper-categorization, Pelican Magazine
Artwork: "Don't Get Lost", Encephalon Journal
Poem: "Asleep Among Endives", Midsummer Magazine
Poem: "Opening Hours/Closing Hours", Dalika Magazine
Screenplay: "Sylvan Psychosis", Spellbinder Magazine
Featured Artworks: "Greenleaf on Sax" and "The Estate", Outlander Magazine
Featured Poems: "Dorsal-Striatal-Starlight" and "Platelet; Presentations", Outlander Magazine
Featured Poem: knees half-bent in the riverbed, the engine(idling
Research Essay: The Complexities and Ethics of “Mad Care”, Undergraduate Philosophy Good Answers Guide (2nd Edition, 2024).
Featured Poems: "https://tollbillforastranger" and "To Taxidermy the Human Heart", Corporeal
Featured Artwork: "The World", Pelican Magazine
Featured Poem: "and if the earth stops spinning"
Featured Poem: 'Itadakimasu', PALOMA Magazine
Featured Artwork: Shower Duty, Beaver Magazine
Featured Poem: 'Antler Velvet', Fifth Wheel Press
Featured Artwork: Two Fishermen, Catheartic Magazine
Featured Poetry: 2042, The Ekphrastic Review
Interview: Meet Dorian Winter (issue 06 Contributor), The Malu Zine
Layout Design: Antler Velvet: The Fawn Edition, Antler Velvet
Featured Poem: 'that time i built the night sky from scratch', The Malu Zine
"Hear the eyes speak: an interview with Vigiseq creator, Dorian Winter", Pelican Magazine
Featured artworks: "Tea Party" and "Visions of Cake", Pelican Magazine
Featured Poem and Artworks: "A Love Poem to Google Maps", Pelican Magazine
Exhibited Artwork: "The Onlooker", City of Nedlands
Featured Poem and Photography: "The Social Doctrine", Pelican Magazine
Featured Artworks: "Neo-Modern Prometheus", "St. Sebastian Reimagined", Outspoken Magazine
Featured Poems: "Trouve Moi Dans La Forêt", Outspoken Magazine
"How I cook with no kitchen": An investigation of the public perception of #apartment kitchens on TikTok, ResearchGate
Featured Artworks: "St. Sebastian Reimagined", "Retrouvailles", "Lament of the Red Giant", The Battering Ram
Featured Essay Response ('No Sugar'), Good Answers ATAR Literature 2022
Featured Artworks: "The Nightcap Pilgrim", "Amalgam", Echo Literary Magazine
'A Byte of Faith', Earlyworks Exhibition
Featured Poem 'Baby Teeth', Primo Lux, 2nd Place
'Family Portrait' Young Originals Exhibition
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